Coaching Points
Place both arms to the side of the body to help you balance. Keeping your upper body and head still will help you to maintain balance whilst you move. Try to get into a rhythm with the movement; you could say something like "hop, and, switch, hop, and, switch" as you move to help you.
Bronze Challenge
Can you perform the task continuously for 15 seconds?
Silver Challenge
Can you perform the task continuously for 30 seconds?
Gold Challenge
Can you perform the task continuously for 45 seconds?
Coaching Points
Begin by holding the ball low to the ground, and swinging the foot slowly when you strike the ball. Control the kicks so that the ball is pushed away from your partner to the space at the side of your bodies. Put your opposite arm to the kicking foot out to the side to help you balance.
You will need:Bronze Challenge
Can you practice kicking the ball with your left and right foot for 3 minutes, without stopping?
Silver Challenge
Can you kick the ball with your left foot then straight away with your right before it stops moving? Repeat with the right foot first followed by the left.
Gold Challenge
Can you kick the ball consecutively three times in a row? Strike the ball before it stops moving.
Coaching Points
Keep your arms out to help you balance, fix your gaze in one place and keep your head and upper body as still as possible.
Bronze Challenge
Can you do 6 transfers from one leg to the other without hopping when you land?
Silver Challenge
Can you do 8 transfers from one leg to the other without hopping when you land? Pause for 3 seconds in between each jump.
Gold Challenge
Can you do 10 transfers from one leg to the other without hopping when you land? Pause for 5 seconds in between each jump.
Coaching Points
To begin with, practice throwing and catching between only the left hands or only the right hands. Progress this to alternating between throwing and catching left hands and right hands consecutively. When you are ready to throw and catch both sides simultaneously, count down from 3,2,1, throw to help with the timing.
You will need:Bronze Challenge
Complete your combined age in successful catches
Silver Challenge
Complete 30 seconds without stopping or dropping
Gold Challenge
Complete 50 catches in a row
Bronze Challenge
Trap the rope 3 times with either hand.
Silver Challenge
Trap the rope 5 times with both your left and right hand.
Gold Challenge
Play this game against 3 different people!