Coaching Points
Place the sole of the foot on the top of the ball and gently push it forwards or pull it backwards, try to keep the ball close to the body at all times so that it is under your control. Be aware of the space around you by looking up to see where the space is. If the ball runs away too quickly, you can trap it with the sole of your foot so that it stops moving. Put your arms out to the side to help you to balance.
You will need:Bronze Challenge
Can you dribble the ball forwards with the sole of the left and right foot in sequence?
Silver Challenge
Can you dribble the ball backwards with the sole of the left and right foot in sequence?
Gold Challenge
Can you dribble the ball forwards for 6 rolls and then backwards for 6 rolls without the ball stopping using the sole of the foot, with both the left and right foot in sequence?
Coaching Points
Remember where the colours are by having a quick look around before you start the game. Use gentle touches to keep the ball under close control as you begin to dribble. Try to dribble using both feet, taking care not to touch the cones with the ball.
You will need:Bronze Challenge
Set yourself a challenge for this activity. e.g. Dribble through one gate and back to the start in under 10 seconds.
Silver Challenge
Set yourself a challenge for this activity. e.g. Dribble through one gate and back to the start in under 10 seconds.
Gold Challenge
Can you dribble to all of the colours using only your weaker foot to dribble?
Coaching Points
Make sure the beanbag is placed evenly on the top of the foot and the foot is flat on the ground. In one smooth movement, lift the foot up pointing your toes towards the target. Start off close to the hoop and put the hoop lower down.
You will need:Bronze Challenge
Practice for one minute with one foot and record your score.
Silver Challenge
Can you beat this score with the other foot? Can you score from 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 steps away?
Gold Challenge
Win a shootout against a friend, the best score out of 5 shots wins.
Coaching Points
Ensure the person you are passing the object too has a good grip before you release. Stay focused on the task and work as a team.
You will need:Bronze Challenge
Practice this activity with at least 3 other friends using 3 very different objects.
Silver Challenge
Can you complete this activity passing two objects down the line at the same time?
Gold Challenge
Can you complete this activity using only one hand throughout?