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Coaching Points

Place both arms to the side of the body to help you balance. Keeping your upper body and head still will help you to maintain balance whilst you move. Try to get into a rhythm with the movement; you could say something like "hop, and, switch, hop, and, switch" as you move to help you.

Bronze Challenge

Can you perform the task continuously for 15 seconds?

Silver Challenge

Can you perform the task continuously for 30 seconds?

Gold Challenge

Can you perform the task continuously for 45 seconds?

Coaching Points

Hold the hoop in different positions to make it challenging for the person climbing through. Experiment climbing through in lots of different ways such as feet first, head first, forwards and backwards to see which is the easiest way.

You will need: Flat Hoop

Bronze Challenge

Can you hold the hoop still for your friend to climb through without touching it?

Silver Challenge

Can you climb through the hoop without touching it, head first?

Gold Challenge

Can you climb through the hoop without touching it, feet first?

Coaching Points

Bend your knees to help you change direction more easily, start off slowly with bigger spaces between the cones.

Bronze Challenge

Practice this activity for a couple of minutes.

Silver Challenge

Decrease the distance between the cones and practice for a couple more minutes.

Gold Challenge

Time how long it takes you to complete this activity 3 times, practice until you have beaten your personal best.

Coaching Points

Try to keep your feet still when rotating to touch the cones. bend and twist at the same time with one smooth controlled movement.

You will need: Flexible Cones

Bronze Challenge

Practice for 1 minute, 5 times in a day.

Silver Challenge

Practice with your eyes closed

Gold Challenge

Complete 10 commands in under 20 seconds.