Coaching Points
Ensure the person you are passing the object too has a good grip before you release. Stay focused on the task and work as a team
You will need:Bronze Challenge
Complete this challenge with at least 3 other friends using a large object!
Silver Challenge
Complete this challenge with at least 3 friends, whilst balancing on one leg or closing your eyes!
Gold Challenge
Complete this challenge with at least 3 friends using a tiny object!
Coaching Points
After each exchange, take a moment to pause and think about the next action. The trick is to stay in time, to help you could countdown from 3,2,1 before you throw/roll the ball.
You will need:Bronze Challenge
Complete 6 successful throws in under 10 seconds
Silver Challenge
Complete 12 successful throws in row without moving your feet
Gold Challenge
Complete 20 successful throws in row without moving your feet, in under 30 seconds
Coaching Points
Stand on the rope with the balls of your feet, that is the padded part just behind your toes. Spread your feet about shoulder width apart, pulling up on the ends of the rope and pushing out with your feet. Keeping your feet wide will help you to stay balanced, and keeping the tension through the rope will help it to not escape as you jump and land.
You will need:Bronze Challenge
Place two different coloured disc cones about 20 steps apart, stand facing your partner in the middle of the line. A third person calls one of the colours and the two centre players race to that colour. The winner is the person that gets to the cone first, jumping sidewards on the rope. Compete in 15 races to complete this challenge.
Silver Challenge
Gold Challenge
Place two different coloured disc cones about 20 steps apart, stand facing your partner in the middle of the line. A third person calls one of the colours and the two centre players race to that colour. The winner is the person that gets to the cone first, jumping sidewards on the rope. Win a streak of 3 races to complete this challenge.
Coaching Points
To begin with, practice throwing and catching down only the left or only the right side. Progress this to alternating between throwing and catching left and right side consecutively. When you are ready to throw and catch both sides simultaneously, count down from 3,2,1, throw to help with the timing.
You will need:Bronze Challenge
Complete 10 successful catches in a row
Silver Challenge
Complete 10 successful catches in a row, with 3 different people
Gold Challenge
Complete a full minute without stopping or dropping.