PE Leaders 30.6.23

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Coaching Points

Ensure the person you are passing the object too has a good grip before you release. Stay focused on the task and work as a team.

You will need: Large Foam Ball

Bronze Challenge

Practice this activity with at least 3 other friends using 3 very different objects.

Silver Challenge

Can you complete this activity passing two objects down the line at the same time?

Gold Challenge

Can you complete this activity using only one hand throughout?

Coaching Points

Hold the hoop in your fingertips and rotate your wrist in one direction. Move your feet out of the way to give the hoop plenty of space to spin. Untwist your wrist as fast as you can, lifting your hand upwards as you release with your fingertips.

You will need: Flat Hoop

Bronze Challenge

Can you spin the hoop around with your dominant hand?

Silver Challenge

Can you spin the hoop around with your non dominant hand?

Gold Challenge

Can you spin two hoops at the same time; one in each hand?

Coaching Points

Practice standing up as quickly as you can to begin with. When completing the task, try to keep your eyes on the bib at all times.

You will need: Bee Active Bib

Bronze Challenge

Complete the task 10 times

Silver Challenge

Complete the task 20 times

Gold Challenge

Complete a task streak of 10 in a row

Coaching Points

It maybe helpful to have a referee for this game, to make sure all players are maintaining a front support shape and are not bending their knees, opening their legs or resting there knees on the floor! Think about using the hand that is closest to the ball that you are picking up to speed up your movements.

You will need: Small Perforated Ball Disc Cones

Bronze Challenge

Can you win a game?

Silver Challenge

Play against 2 different people!

Gold Challenge

Can you play the game with one leg extended off the floor behind the body, whilst in front support?

Coaching Points

Squeeze your bottom and leg muscles tight when you are balancing, put your arms out to the side and focus on a small still point in the distance.

You will need: Large Foam Ball

Bronze Challenge

Perform the task continuously for 10 seconds

Silver Challenge

Perform the task continuously for 20 seconds

Gold Challenge

Perform the task continuously for 30 seconds

Coaching Points

Before you begin, ensure your fingers are interlaced and you both have a comfortable grip. The best players are not always the strongest in this game. To be successful you should try to use the force that your opponent is generating against them. For example, if they are pushing you as hard as they can, you could quickly change from pushing them back to pulling them forwards making them lose their balance.

You will need: Floor Spots

Bronze Challenge

Compete against somebody you know will be a tough opponent!

Silver Challenge

Take a moment to think about the last match you played, think about who won and what enabled them to win?

Gold Challenge

Play some games with a cone on your head and try to make the other players cone fall off first!

Coaching Points

Roll the hoop with speed so that it travels straight to your partner. Begin by standing closer together to make it easier.

You will need: Flat Hoop

Bronze Challenge

Start facing your partner, 6 steps apart. Everytime you both successfully roll and catch the hoops to one another take a step backwards further apart. If the hoops fall before they get to your partner, take a step forwards closer together. Set yourself a challenge to get up to.

Silver Challenge

How many times can you roll the hoops to one another in 60 seconds?

Gold Challenge

Can you roll the hoops to one another balancing on only one leg?