Coaching Points

To be able to perform this activity you will need to be able to hold a strong front support; ensure your shoulders are stacked over the wrists and you are in a straight line from the shoulders through the hips and knees down to the ankles. Move the legs slowly with control and keep the stomach muscles tucked in tightly.

Bronze Challenge

Can you move 6 steps to the left and then 6 steps to the right?

Silver Challenge

Double your age, can you move that many steps to the left and the same amount to the right?

Gold Challenge

Treble your age, can you move that many steps to the left and the same amount to the right?

Coaching Points

Hold the bottom of the hoop with both hands together in an overhand grip. Let the hoop fall away from you so that your hands are now at the top of the hoop. As the hoop falls, step inside the hoop with both feet. The top of the hoop should now be in front of the body held by both hands and the bottom of the hoop should be behind the body. Rotate the hands forwards to lift the hoop up over your head and back to the original position.

You will need: Flat Hoop

Bronze Challenge

Move through the hoop forwards 10 times?

Silver Challenge

Race against a friend to see who can move through the hoop the fastest 10 times.

Gold Challenge

Can you move through the hoop 5 times without the hoop touching your legs or body?

Coaching Points

To begin with, practice throwing and catching down only the left or only the right side. Progress this to alternating between throwing and catching left and right side consecutively. When you are ready to throw and catch both sides simultaneously, count down from 3,2,1, throw to help with the timing.

You will need: Cotton Beanbags

Bronze Challenge

Complete 10 successful catches in a row

Silver Challenge

Complete 10 successful catches in a row, with 3 different people

Gold Challenge

Complete a full minute without stopping or dropping.