Coaching Points
This activity s all about controlling the power you put into your strike. A longer arm swing will increase the speed that you strike the ball with and make it travel higher into the air.
You will need:Bronze Challenge
Set yourself a time challenge to complete with your favoured hand. The big strikes must go above the height of your eyes and the small strikes must fall below the height of your eyes.
Silver Challenge
Set yourself a time challenge to complete with your least favoured hand. The big strikes must go above the height of your eyes and the small strikes must fall below the height of your eyes.
Gold Challenge
Challenge a friend to see who can perform the most big and little consecutive combination strikes.
Coaching Points
Make sure you have plenty of space for this activity. Gently swing the hoop from behind your body up into the air, passing closely by your hips as you throw. Start off slowly throwing the hoop just a short distance into the air, releasing the hoop just above your head. Spread you fingers and thumbs as wide as you can when catching the hoop. Cushion the impact by moving your hands down with the hoop, slowing the speed down gently.
You will need:Bronze Challenge
Practice throwing and catching the hoop from one hand to the other for over 5 minutes.
Silver Challenge
Practice throwing and catching the hoop from one hand to the other clapping as many times as you can whilst the hoop is in the air!
Gold Challenge
Practice throwing and catching the hoop from one hand to the other, touching the ground with both hands whilst the hoop is in the air!
Coaching Points
Be ready to accelerate by standing with one foot in front of the other and bent knees. Concentrate on your partner ready for when they throw and keep your eyes on the bib so you know which direction to accelerate.
You will need:Bronze Challenge
Catch the bib from 5 big steps away?
Silver Challenge
Catch the bib from 8 big steps away?
Gold Challenge
Catch the bib from 10 big steps away?
Coaching Points
Looking at the hand helps the brain to know what it is doing as it is moving. Try not to jump the hand forwards down the rope but use the fingers and thumbs together to feed it through.
You will need:Bronze Challenge
Can you win a game against a partner with your dominant hand?
Silver Challenge
Can you win a game against your partner with your non-dominant hand?
Gold Challenge
Can you win 3 games against 3 different partners?
Coaching Points
Kick the ball really softly. After each kick, move your body around the ball so that you are ready dribble again with the next part of the foot in the sequence. The ball should follow a zigzag pathway on the floor; push it across and in front of the toes of your standing foot when you use the inside, and pushing it away to the side of the body when you use the outside of your foot.
You will need:Bronze Challenge
Can you dribble one full sequence using the inside and outside of the left foot, then the inside and outside of the right foot?
Silver Challenge
Can you add an extra touch for each part of the sequence? E.g. 2 touches with the inside, then two touches on the outside of one foot before repeating on the other side?
Gold Challenge
Can you complete the sequence with really small touches of the ball and then really large touches of the ball?
Coaching Points
Make sure you have a good grip of the beanbag. Aim for the centre of the bucket switching the aiming arm and the throwing arm as you swing, release the beanbag so that it goes up and down in a rainbow shape.
You will need:Bronze Challenge
Complete level 6
Silver Challenge
Complete level 8
Gold Challenge
Complete level 10
Coaching Points
It maybe helpful to have a referee for this game, to make sure all players are maintaining a front support shape and are not bending their knees, opening their legs or resting there knees on the floor! Think about using the hand that is closest to the ball that you are picking up to speed up your movements.
You will need:Bronze Challenge
Can you win a game?
Silver Challenge
Play against 2 different people!
Gold Challenge
Can you play the game with one leg extended off the floor behind the body, whilst in front support?
Bronze Challenge
Can you perform a clap under the left leg, and a clap under the right leg?
Silver Challenge
Jump up and clap under each leg alternately, for 6 total jumps.
Gold Challenge
Jump up and clap under each leg alternately, for 60 seconds.
Coaching Points
Before you combine the movement of travelling backwards and alternating heel flicks, can you do them individually?
Bronze Challenge
Can you travel slowly but flick your legs up to your bottom really quickly?
Silver Challenge
Can you change your speed from slow to fast and also fast to slow whilst completing this activity?
Gold Challenge
Can you spin around in a full circle and then continue to travel backwards whilst flicking your heels to your bottom?
Coaching Points
Squeeze your bottom and leg muscles tight when you are balancing, put your arms out to the side and focus on a small still point in the distance.
You will need:Bronze Challenge
Perform the task continuously for 10 seconds
Silver Challenge
Perform the task continuously for 20 seconds
Gold Challenge
Perform the task continuously for 30 seconds
Coaching Points
Stand in a wide stance with bent knees to keep the hoop off the ground, extend your non-throwing hand in front of your body to help you to aim.
You will need:Bronze Challenge
Can you score 3 points in your partners hoop?
Silver Challenge
Can you win a match against 3 different people?
Gold Challenge
Make a change to the rules of the game and practice for at least 5 minutes!
Coaching Points
Build strength by practicing with your back knee on the floor.
You will need:Bronze Challenge
Pass the ring around the leg 6 times in under 10 seconds
Silver Challenge
Pass the ring around the leg 8 times in under 10 seconds
Gold Challenge
Pass the ring around the leg 10 times in 10 seconds
Coaching Points
Place your middle three fingers in the centre of the cones and rest your thumb and pinky finger on the outer edge. As you lift the cones from by your knees to release the ball, try and rotate your pinky fingers up through the midline to thrust the ball up into the air. When catching; keep your eyes on the ball and be ready to move your body and hands to where the ball is going to land. Make a bowl out of the two cones under the ball as it falls and then close it back up to secure the ball once you have caught it.
You will need:Bronze Challenge
Can you throw and catch 5 in a row?
Silver Challenge
Can you throw the ball higher than your head and catch 10 in a row?
Gold Challenge
Throw the ball as high as you can into the air, you can complete this challenge when you have managed to catch the ball 25 times.