Coaching Points
Hold the top of the hoop with one hand out in front of the body. Rotate the wrist towards you to lift the bottom of the hoop up. As you do this, release your hand from the top of the hoop allowing it to fall down, catching the opposite side that should be on the way up. Break the movement down, practicing slowly before turning it into one smooth movement.
You will need:Bronze Challenge
Can you catch the hoop 10 times?
Silver Challenge
Can you catch the hoop 5 times in a row?
Gold Challenge
Can you catch the hoop once, with your eyes closed?
Coaching Points
Work as a team to move as fast as possible.
You will need:Bronze Challenge
Practice being the person inside the hoop.
Silver Challenge
Practice being the person moving the hoop for your friend.
Gold Challenge
Race against another pair, you can decide the start and finish point.
Coaching Points
Hold the racket close to the body to begin with keeping it level. Adjust the angle of the racket slightly if you see the ball rolling.
You will need:Bronze Challenge
Practice this activity with your dominant hand.
Silver Challenge
Practice this activity with your non dominant hand.
Gold Challenge
Practice this activity with a bat and ball in each hand.
Coaching Points
Place the sole of the foot on the top of the ball and gently push it forwards, try to keep the ball close to the body at all times so that it is under your control. Be aware of the space around you by looking up to see where the space is. If the ball runs away too quickly, you can trap it with the sole of your foot so that it stops moving.
You will need:Bronze Challenge
Can you dribble the ball using the sole of both your left and right feet?
Silver Challenge
Can you dribble the ball using the sole of your foot for 20 seconds without bumping into anything or the ball stopping?
Gold Challenge
Ask a friend to walk slowly in front of you, changing direction every couple of steps. Using the sole of your foot to dribble the ball can you follow their pathway?