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Coaching Points

To be able to perform this activity you will need to be able to hold a strong front support; ensure your shoulders are stacked over the wrists and you are in a straight line from the shoulders through the hips and knees down to the ankles. Move the legs slowly with control and keep the stomach muscles tucked in tightly.

Bronze Challenge

Compete against a friend to get to 100 mountain climbers first in a head to head battle to win this bronze challenge.

Silver Challenge

Can you do mountain climbers for 2 minutes with out stopping?

Gold Challenge

Perform mountain climbers for the full duration of a dance tune of your choice, without stopping!

Coaching Points

Make sure you have plenty of space for this activity. Gently swing the hoop from behind your body up into the air, passing closely by your hips as you throw. Start off slowly throwing the hoop just a short distance into the air, releasing the hoop just above your head. Spread you fingers and thumbs as wide as you can when catching the hoop. Cushion the impact by moving your hands down with the hoop, slowing the speed down gently.

You will need: Flat Hoop

Bronze Challenge

Practice throwing and catching the hoop from one hand to the other for over 5 minutes.

Silver Challenge

Practice throwing and catching the hoop from one hand to the other clapping as many times as you can whilst the hoop is in the air!

Gold Challenge

Practice throwing and catching the hoop from one hand to the other, touching the ground with both hands whilst the hoop is in the air!

Coaching Points

After each exchange, take a moment to pause and think about the next action. The trick is to stay in time, to help you could countdown from 3,2,1 before you throw the ring.

You will need: Rubber Rings

Bronze Challenge

Stand 8 steps apart. Complete 6 throws and catches without the rings hitting the floor or the players moving their feet.

Silver Challenge

Stand 8 steps apart. Complete 10 throws and catches without the rings hitting the floor or the players moving their feet.

Gold Challenge

Stand 8 steps apart. Complete 20 throws and catches without the rings hitting the floor or the players moving their feet.