Autumn 2 week 4

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You will need: Flat Hoop

Bronze Challenge

Can you pass the hoop around the body in both directions?

Silver Challenge

Can you continuously pass the hoop around the body whilst moving from a standing to a seated position?

Gold Challenge

Can you pass the hoop around the body whilst balancing on one leg or with your eyes closed?

Coaching Points

Move with speed and without hesitation. If you are finding this to easy, move a little further away from the bib before trying to grab it.

You will need: Bee Active Bib

Bronze Challenge

Snatch the bib 3 times out of 5 goes

Silver Challenge

Snatch the bib 4 times out of 6 goes

Gold Challenge

Snatch the bib 5 times out of 7 goes

Coaching Points

When you are catching the ball, make sure you have your hands out in front of you and you already have your knees bent so that you are ready to jump up into the air as soon as the ball is thrown. Timing is key to this activity so concentrate as you have two tasks to complete in a very short space of time; jumping and catching.

You will need: Large Foam Ball

Bronze Challenge

Stand 6 steps apart, catch 10 in a row

Silver Challenge

Stand 8 steps apart, catch 20 in a row

Gold Challenge

Stand 10 steps apart, catch 30 in a row

Coaching Points

Aim to land each hop in between the cones. Before you take off again, check that you are balanced. If you lose control, take your time and get set again before you continue. Practice with your left and right foot.

You will need: Disc Cones

Bronze Challenge

Can you hop through the cones on both the left and the right foot slowly?

Silver Challenge

Can you hop through the cones on both the left and the right foot quickly?

Gold Challenge

Before you hop forwards over the next cone, spin your body around in a full circle hopping on one leg.