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Coaching Points

Make sure that you throw the ball up above the head so that when you strike it with your forehead you are heading it upwards. You should be aiming to make contact with the ball where the hairline starts, keeping your eyes open.

You will need: Large Foam Ball

Bronze Challenge

Perform the task continuously 5 times in row

Silver Challenge

Perform the task continuously 10 times in row

Gold Challenge

Perform the task continuously 15 times in row

Coaching Points

Kick the ball really softly. After each kick, move your body around the ball so that you are ready dribble again. The ball should follow a zigzag pathway on the floor; push it across and in front of the toes of your standing foot when you use the inside, and pushing it away to the side of the body when you use the outside of your foot.

You will need: Large Perforated Ball

Bronze Challenge

Can you complete 6 touches with the inside/outside of both your left and right foot?

Silver Challenge

Can you complete 12 touches with the inside/outside of both your left and right foot?

Gold Challenge

Can you complete 24 touches with the inside/outside of both your left and right foot?

Coaching Points

To begin with, practice throwing and catching between only the left hands or only the right hands. Progress this to alternating between throwing and catching left hands and right hands consecutively. When you are ready to throw and catch both sides simultaneously, count down from 3,2,1, throw to help with the timing.

You will need: Cotton Beanbags

Bronze Challenge

Complete your combined age in successful catches

Silver Challenge

Complete 30 seconds without stopping or dropping

Gold Challenge

Complete 50 catches in a row