Bronze Challenge
Trap the rope 3 times with either hand.
Silver Challenge
Trap the rope 5 times with both your left and right hand.
Gold Challenge
Play this game against 3 different people!
Coaching Points
To begin with, practice throwing and catching down only the left or only the right side. Progress this to alternating between throwing and catching left and right side consecutively. When you are ready to throw and catch both sides simultaneously, count down from 3,2,1, throw to help with the timing.
You will need:Bronze Challenge
Complete 10 successful catches in a row
Silver Challenge
Complete 10 successful catches in a row, with 3 different people
Gold Challenge
Complete a full minute without stopping or dropping.
Coaching Points
Place your middle three fingers in the centre of the cones and rest your thumb and pinky finger on the outer edge. As you lift the cones from by your knees to release the ball, try and rotate your pinky fingers up through the midline to thrust the ball up into the air. When catching; keep your eyes on the ball and be ready to move your body and hands to where the ball is going to land. Make a bowl out of the two cones under the ball as it falls and then close it back up to secure the ball once you have caught it.
You will need:Bronze Challenge
Complete 15 successful catches with a partner.
Silver Challenge
Complete 8 successful catches in 30 seconds
Gold Challenge
Complete 15 successful catches in 60 seconds.
Coaching Points
Spread your fingers wide apart and strike the ball up into the air so that it bounces on the ground in between you and your partner. Concentrate and be ready to move to where the ball bounces.
You will need:Bronze Challenge
Record your best score after 5 goes with your partner. To complete Bronze you must double this score
Silver Challenge
In 3 goes, try to beat 100 total strikes
Gold Challenge
Play continuously for 60 seconds