Autumn 2 week 2

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Coaching Points

Hold the hoop in your fingertips and rotate your wrist in one direction. Move your feet out of the way to give the hoop plenty of space to spin. Untwist your wrist as fast as you can, lifting your hand upwards as you release with your fingertips.

You will need: Flat Hoop

Bronze Challenge

Can you spin the hoop around with your dominant hand?

Silver Challenge

Can you spin the hoop around with your non dominant hand?

Gold Challenge

Can you spin two hoops at the same time; one in each hand?

You will need: Flat Hoop

Bronze Challenge

Can you transfer from one foot to the other once?

Silver Challenge

Can you transfer from one foot to the other three times in succession?

Gold Challenge

Can you transfer the hoop from one foot to the other with your hands on your head?

Coaching Points

Practice holding the ball with the backs of your hand, dropping the ball and catching it after it has bounced, it feels weird, right?

You will need: Large Foam Ball

Bronze Challenge

Perform the task

Silver Challenge

Perform the task continuously 3 times in row

Gold Challenge

Perform the task continuously 5 times in row

Coaching Points

Work down the line sidewards stepping the lead foot into the far side of the space in between each of the cones, to leave enough room for the trailing foot to follow. Starting slowly and gradually get faster. Practice moving sidewards to the left and the right sides.

You will need: Disc Cones

Bronze Challenge

Can you complete this activity moving to your left and right?

Silver Challenge

Complete this activity with the cones in an S shape on the floor!

Gold Challenge

Change the small cones for tall cones or taller objects, can you complete this sideways stepping movement over the tall cones?