Coaching Points
Begin by holding the ball low to the ground, and swinging the foot slowly when you strike the ball. Control the kicks so that the ball is pushed away from your partner to the space at the side of your bodies. Put your opposite arm to the kicking foot out to the side to help you balance.
You will need:Bronze Challenge
Can you practice kicking the ball with your left and right foot for 3 minutes, without stopping?
Silver Challenge
Can you kick the ball with your left foot then straight away with your right before it stops moving? Repeat with the right foot first followed by the left.
Gold Challenge
Can you kick the ball consecutively three times in a row? Strike the ball before it stops moving.
Coaching Points
Bend your knees when you are waiting to strike the ball, so that you are balanced as you move your foot. When you kick, move your foot directly from the ground to the ball in a quick action.Try to mix up your kicking feet so that you are not predictable to your partner who is holding the rope and ball.
You will need:Bronze Challenge
Silver Challenge
Gold Challenge
Coaching Points
As you draw your knee up and into your chest and rotate the hips to the side, lean backwards with the upper body and torso. As you extend your knee, swing the leg sidewards into the kick. Keep your toes pointed downwards throughout and strike the object with the top part of the foot. Practice the movement in your own space before striking an object such as a ball.
Bronze Challenge
Practice the technique of the turning kick movement in your own space.
Silver Challenge
Practice the technique of the turning kick movement striking an object!
Gold Challenge
Teach a friend how to perform the turning kick!
Coaching Points
As you draw your knee up and into your chest and rotate the hips to the side, lean backwards with the upper body and torso. As you extend your knee, push away from the body sidewards, stepping into the kick. Keep your toes curled upwards flexing the ankle joint throughout and strike the object with the sole of the foot. Practice the movement in your own space before striking an object such as a ball.
Bronze Challenge
Practice the technique of the side kick movement in your own space.
Silver Challenge
Practice the technique of the side kick movement striking an object!
Gold Challenge
Teach a friend how to perform the side kick!
Coaching Points
As you draw your knee up and into your chest, lean backwards. As you extend your knee over the top of the object, swing your leg downwards, striking the object with the heel of the foot. Practice the movement in your own space before striking an object such as a ball.
Bronze Challenge
Practice the technique of the axe kick movement in your own space.
Silver Challenge
Practice the technique of the axe kick movement striking an object!
Gold Challenge
Teach a friend how to perform the axe kick!
Coaching Points
As you draw your knee up and into your chest and rotate the hips to the side across the body as far as they can go, lean backwards with the upper body and torso. As you extend your knee, swing the leg sidewards into the kick leading with the heel. Keep your toes pointed upwards throughout the movement and strike the object with the heel of the foot. Practice the movement in your own space before striking an object such as a ball.
Bronze Challenge
Practice the technique of the hook kick movement in your own space.
Silver Challenge
Practice the technique of the hook kick movement striking an object!
Gold Challenge
Teach a friend how to perform the hook kick!