Test Collection

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Coaching Points

Move slowly with control, pausing between each jump until you are balanced. Keep your eyes focused on a small, still point throughout and squeeze the muscles in your bottom, stomach and legs. To begin, start with smaller jumps and use a chair or wall to help you balance.

Bronze Challenge

Complete the task on both the left and right foot

Silver Challenge

Complete the task 3 times in a row on both the left and right foot

Gold Challenge

Complete the task 5 times in a row on both the left and right foot

Coaching Points

Move slowly with control. Keep your eyes focused on a small, still point throughout and squeeze the muscles in your bottom, stomach and legs. To begin, start with really small circles close to the floor, practice sat on a chair or bend at the knee.

Bronze Challenge

3 continuous circles with the left and then the right leg

Silver Challenge

5 continuous circles with the left and then the right leg

Gold Challenge

8 continuous circles with the left and then the right leg

Coaching Points

This game is as much about thinking as it is about moving. Fully focus on the colour that is called and stand in a ready position so that you can accelerate with speed.

You will need: Bee Active Bib

Bronze Challenge

Catch 5 in a row

Silver Challenge

Catch 10 in a row

Gold Challenge

Catch 15 in a row

Coaching Points

When dribbling, try to keep the ball under control and close to your feet by taking softer touches. Try to stay away from the defender by looking up to see where the defender is and also where the space is. Try not to panic if the defender is close to capturing you and focus on your dribbling skills.

You will need: Disc Cones Large Perforated Ball Bee Active Bib

Bronze Challenge

Play the game and have a go at being a dribbling attacker and a dribbling defender. Discuss with the other players which role you found easiest and hardest.

Silver Challenge

Play the game dribbling with smaller and larger balls. Discuss with the other players which ball you found easiest and hardest to dribble!

Gold Challenge

Can you score 10 points by dribbling through 10 gates, without being tug by a defender?

Coaching Points

The higher you throw the ball into the air, the higher it will bounce. This will give you more time to get the cone underneath the ball to catch it.

You will need: Large Foam Ball Flexible Cones

Bronze Challenge

Complete 10 in a row

Silver Challenge

Complete 20 in a row

Gold Challenge

Complete 30 in a row

Coaching Points

Lift your foot high and step down onto the ball when it is traveling down towards the ground.

You will need: Large Foam Ball

Bronze Challenge

Peform the task with the left and right foot

Silver Challenge

Peform the task 3 times in a row with the left and right foot

Gold Challenge

Peform the task 5 times in a row with the left and right foot

Coaching Points

Spread your fingers wide apart and strike the top of the ball with the centre of the palm of the hand. Try to strike the ball so that it goes straight down and straight back up to your hand. Timing is important for this one, you should try to hit the ball when it is at its highest point.

You will need: Large Foam Ball

Bronze Challenge

Perform the task continuously 5 times in row

Silver Challenge

Perform the task continuously 10 times in row

Gold Challenge

Perform the task continuously 15 times in row

Coaching Points

Move slowly with control, keep your eyes focused on a small, still point as you balance. Extend your toes and leg squeezing your muscles in your bottom, stomach and legs.

Bronze Challenge

Alternate from front to back and back to front 4 times without touching the floor

Silver Challenge

Alternate from front to back and back to front 6 times without touching the floor

Gold Challenge

Alternate from front to back and back to front 8 times without touching the floor

Coaching Points

Try to keep your feet still when rotating to touch the cones. bend and twist at the same time with one smooth controlled movement.

You will need: Flexible Cones

Bronze Challenge

Practice for 1 minute without stopping

Silver Challenge

Practice in 3 different places

Gold Challenge

Teach 3 different people how to play

Coaching Points

The higher you throw the ring the more time you will have to stand up and catch it again, whilst the ring is in the air try to keep your eyes on it. You could also practice standing from kneeling position as fast as you can without the ring.

You will need: Rubber Rings

Bronze Challenge

Catch the ring successfully

Silver Challenge

Catch the ring successfully 3 times in a row

Gold Challenge

Catch the ring successfully 5 times in a row

Coaching Points

After each exchange, take a moment to pause and think about the next action. The trick is to stay in time, to help you could countdown from 3,2,1 before you throw/roll the ball.

You will need: Large Foam Ball

Bronze Challenge

Complete 6 successful throws in under 10 seconds

Silver Challenge

Complete 12 successful throws in row without moving your feet

Gold Challenge

Complete 20 successful throws in row without moving your feet, in under 30 seconds

Coaching Points

Practice completing the touch and step at the same time with one smooth controlled movement.

You will need: Flexible Cones

Bronze Challenge

Practice this game for 2 minutes, mix the cones up and repeat 4 times.

Silver Challenge

Practice this game, then take the cones away, can you remember where the cones were?

Gold Challenge

Play against a friend, to win you must complete the most successful movements in 60 seconds?

Coaching Points

Start off slowly and build up the speed of the instructions, try to keep your feet still and keep balanced, controlling your upper body.

You will need: Flexible Cones

Bronze Challenge

Challenge a friend to see who can touch the most in 60 seconds

Silver Challenge

Times your shoe size by 10 and complete that many touches in under 2 minutes

Gold Challenge

Teach somebody older and somebody younger than you how to play.