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Coaching Points

When you drop the hoop from above your head, make sure your body is tall and straight to allow the hoop to fall.

You will need: Flat Hoop

Bronze Challenge

Practice moving from one place to another lifting the hoop over your head and stepping out of it again. Can you compete in a race against a friend lifting the hoop over your head and stepping out again?

Silver Challenge

You can decide the start and finish line!

Gold Challenge

Can you move through the hoop balancing on only one leg when you step out of the hoop?

Coaching Points

Ensure the person you are passing the object too has a good grip before you release. Stay focused on the task and work as a team

You will need: Large Foam Ball

Bronze Challenge

Complete this challenge with at least 3 other friends using a large object!

Silver Challenge

Complete this challenge with at least 3 friends, whilst balancing on one leg or closing your eyes!

Gold Challenge

Complete this challenge with at least 3 friends using a tiny object!

Coaching Points

You can break this down into a 3-phase marching action. Begin next to the cones with your inner leg raised to 90 degrees and outer arm raised to 90 degrees in front of you. As you step into the centre space, switch the positions of the arms and legs, repeat once more inside the centre space and then step out to the other side, mirroring your start position. This activity is all about developing your leg and arm speed whilst maintaining your balance.

You will need: Disc Cones

Bronze Challenge

Complete this activity in slow motion, transferring 6 times from one side to the other.

Silver Challenge

Complete this activity at full speed, transferring 6 times from one side to the other.

Gold Challenge

Set up your cones in front of a partner, can you move together in synchronisation through the cones from one side to the other?

You will need: Ropes

Bronze Challenge

Trap the rope 3 times with either hand.

Silver Challenge

Trap the rope 5 times with both your left and right hand.

Gold Challenge

Play this game against 3 different people!