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Coaching Points

When you jump into the hoop, enter from the side of where your friend is holding. jumping forwards towards them could be dangerous if you fall onto them. Remember to bend your knees, swing your arms forwards and land with control. Start off with the hoop low and gradually increase the height.

You will need: Flat Hoop

Bronze Challenge

Place the hoop at a comfortable height between your ankle and knee. Can you jump into the hoop without touching it?

Silver Challenge

Place the hoop at a comfortable height between your ankle and knee. Can you jump in and out of the hoop without touching it?

Gold Challenge

Place the hoop at a comfortable height between your ankle and knee. Can you jump in and out of the hoop without touching it jumping sideways?

Coaching Points

Ensure the person you are passing the object too has a good grip before you release. Stay focused on the task and work as a team

You will need: Large Foam Ball

Bronze Challenge

Complete this challenge with at least 3 other friends using a large object!

Silver Challenge

Complete this challenge with at least 3 friends, whilst balancing on one leg or closing your eyes!

Gold Challenge

Complete this challenge with at least 3 friends using a tiny object!

Coaching Points

When you throw the ball up into the air, try to keep your head still so that the cone is not falling when you grab it.

You will need: Flexible Cones Large Foam Ball

Bronze Challenge

Complete 10 in a row

Silver Challenge

Complete 20 in a row

Gold Challenge

Complete 30 in a row

Coaching Points

Quickly open your hands to release the rope. Hold the rope higher to make it easier for the catcher, or lower to make it harder. When catching concentrate on the task and focus on the rope. Think about, and practice, the movement of the arms to build up speed and muscle memory.

You will need: Ropes

Bronze Challenge

Can you catch the rope with one eye closed?

Silver Challenge

Can you catch the rope whilst balancing on one leg?

Gold Challenge

Can you get a 3-catch streak?