Autumn 1 week 2 balance/travelling

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Coaching Points

Aim to land each hop in between the cones. Before you take off again, check that you are balanced. Think about the position of your upper body and head when you are hopping, if you are leaning too far forward you will find it difficult to hop backwards, and vice versa. If you lose control, take your time and get set again before you continue. Practice with your left and right foot.

Bronze Challenge

Aim to land each hop in between the cones. Before you take off again, check that you are balanced. Think about the position of your upper body and head when you are hopping, if you are leaning too far forward you will find it difficult to hop backwards, and vice versa. If you lose control, take your time and get set again before you continue. Practice with your left and right foot.

Silver Challenge

Aim to land each hop in between the cones. Before you take off again, check that you are balanced. Think about the position of your upper body and head when you are hopping, if you are leaning too far forward you will find it difficult to hop backwards, and vice versa. If you lose control, take your time and get set again before you continue. Practice with your left and right foot.

Gold Challenge

Aim to land each hop in between the cones. Before you take off again, check that you are balanced. Think about the position of your upper body and head when you are hopping, if you are leaning too far forward you will find it difficult to hop backwards, and vice versa. If you lose control, take your time and get set again before you continue. Practice with your left and right foot.

Coaching Points

Try to keep your feet still when rotating to touch the cones. bend and twist at the same time with one smooth controlled movement.

You will need: Flexible Cones

Bronze Challenge

Practice for 1 minute without stopping

Silver Challenge

Practice in 3 different places

Gold Challenge

Teach 3 different people how to play

Coaching Points

You can break this down into a 3-phase marching action. Begin next to the cones with your inner leg raised to 90 degrees and outer arm raised to 90 degrees in front of you. As you step into the centre space, switch the positions of the arms and legs, repeat once more inside the centre space and then step out to the other side, mirroring your start position. This activity is all about developing your leg and arm speed whilst maintaining your balance.

You will need: Disc Cones

Bronze Challenge

Complete this activity in slow motion, transferring 6 times from one side to the other.

Silver Challenge

Complete this activity at full speed, transferring 6 times from one side to the other.

Gold Challenge

Set up your cones in front of a partner, can you move together in synchronisation through the cones from one side to the other?

Coaching Points

It maybe helpful to have a referee for this game, to make sure all players are maintaining a front support shape and are not bending their knees, opening their legs or resting there knees on the floor! Think about using the hand that is closest to the ball that you are picking up to speed up your movements.

You will need: Small Perforated Ball Disc Cones

Bronze Challenge

Can you win a game?

Silver Challenge

Play against 2 different people!

Gold Challenge

Can you play the game with one leg extended off the floor behind the body, whilst in front support?